Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tutorial untuk buat post a.k.a entry di blogger ;)

first log on to
and sign in using 
you will be directed to home ... and you can see the dashboard

this is your dashboard

click on NEW POST 

you will then see the above image after clicking the new post button

write the title of your entry in the box above

make sure you select COMPOSE instead of edit HTML .. make sure the COMPOSE mode is selected .. 

in the compose mode you will see all the tools for writing like fonts , bold , itallic , upload a picture/video
this will not appear in HTML mode

done writing and editing your entry ? hit the PUBLISH POST button . or simply click on preview to preview how your entry will looks like in the actual blog

can you see the EDIT PAGES button ?
hit that and you will see the above image
they are called static pages/ standalone page
which will looks like the below image in the actual blog 

cool trick huh ?? ... tu jea la . nak tanye lagi , tanya laaa 
one more thing , you can go to your actual blog by hitting VIEW BLOG button which will appear in the center-top of your homepage :)